To support and advance the excellence of the Moorestown Township Public Schools through the development and funding of innovative programs and initiatives which create significant, widespread and lasting impact on the education of the children in the district.

Receive and accept property by way of gifts to be used for scholarships to residents of Moorestown and provide for Moorestown Township Public Schools improvement initiatives.

Enlist and encourage the support and cooperation of the school district, community groups, residents and other organizations in the improvement of the education of students in the Moorestown Township Public Schools.



The Moorestown Education Foundation (the “MEF”), founded originally in 1987 and modified into its current form in 1996, is a private, non-profit, 501(c)3 tax exempt foundation dedicated to the enhancement of the educational experience of students in Moorestown Township Public Schools. The Moorestown community recognized the importance of private funding for public schools earlier than most communities. During its history, the MEF has evolved with the demands of the school district and has provided increasing support to Moorestown Township Public Schools. Today, it operates in an embedded model, which, while independent, is represented on its Board of Trustees by the members of the community at-large, the Moorestown Township Board of Education, and the school district administration. Additionally, its collaborative model incorporates advisory trustees from key constituent groups within the community. Going forward, there exists a real opportunity to expand the impact of the Moorestown Education Foundation with the help of the Moorestown community.


  • Debtosh Chakrabarti, President
  • Georgean Wardzinski, Vice President
  • David Weinstein, Secretary
  • Christine Buckley, Treasurer
  • James Bollendorf, Superintendent Moorestown Township Public Schools
  • James Heiser, Business Administrator Moorestown Township Public Schools
  • Mark Villanueva, Board of Education President
  • Cheryl Makopoulos, Board of Education Vice President
  • Ian Hinke, At Large Trustee
  • Rebecca Lopacinski, At Large Trustee
  • Jennifer Malinowski, At Large Trustee
  • Deb Rockell, At Large Trustee
  • Nicole Dancy, Advisory Trustee, MTPS Home & School Association
  • Eileen Buniva, Advisory Trustee, Moorestown Education Association (MEA)
  • Amy Penwell, Advisory Trustee, MoorArts