29th Annual MEF Golf Outing
There’s still time to register for the 29th Annual Moorestown Education Foundation Golf Outing.
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Celebrate our schools and our town by supporting Moorestownopoly! The Moorestown Education Foundation is partnering with Moorestown Township Public Schools and Moorestown Township to create Moorestownopoly, which is based on the well-known board game of Monopoly©. The game will feature local businesses and organizations in and around Moorestown.
The Moorestown Education Foundation (MEF), founded originally in 1987, is a private, non-profit, 501(c)3 tax exempt foundation dedicated to the enhancement of the educational experience of students in Moorestown Public Schools.
There’s still time to register for the 29th Annual Moorestown Education Foundation Golf Outing.
Click Here
Watch this MHS News video and learn how an MEF grant helped build the new Video Production Studio.
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Learn about the MEF’s Excellence in Education Mini Grants and more by watching this brief video.
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